" I don't need you"
Hello there! Now i really don't know what to write about. But I love to share my important things to others. You know when I am sad what I do? Sometimes is really hard to stand up and go forward right? But end's your life it's not the way! But remember always you have someone who will help you that you stand up! Don't think you are alone. I was thinking that too till now. I was share my sadness in music, my agrees in wall. But it's wasn't to late. We all know that it's not late for fight. People's says that they don't need nobody to help them, but i am sure they want help!
" I drink that and than im going home"
Someone who is in stress will going to drink some alcohol right? But that it's a bad thing to do! You can't imagine what are you doing when you drunk. I was just once. And i tell everything to something. Yes it's was funny but another person can after all kill someone in agrees. If you are in stress and just go on a long walk alone, call a friend, do something to change you thinks.
But to me it's not important alcohol but just time and music. Then everything is going fine.
" Be happy and smile" " Say cheese"