četrtek, 24. maj 2012

Something philosophically part 2 - Freedom etc.

"Freedom is everything what a person want's"
Heelo!  I hope you remeber my last blog. So i was think why should i don't write about that to? So i was watcing in the TV news. I remember 3 thopic that are : A guy kidnapped a girl, car theft and fight betwen young boy's.                                                                
Everyone want freedom!

So you see the word's " Kidnapped,thief and young boy's"
highlighted. I highlighted them because this all word's discrabe the freedom. Let me explain. If someone kidnaps a girl or a boy the toke them freedom. Thief stole something a  expensive thing or the money. So than him the police took his freedom. Because he have to go to jail. Or many other thing. The fight. All fights are not a small thing a person can be seriously damaged or afterall the person can be killed by them..

Some people's realy don't care about the freedom and all this thnig's because they have everything they want. Why? Because of that : 

If you remeber my last blog : " What about rap and me?" I was said that i want to become a rap song writer. But not because of money, popularity. Just because of that i wana be sure if im realy good in that. And Its a little of freedom here. 
I know the life is hard. And you have to work hard for money that you can pay all bill's right? I know i am maybe a complaceted person but so what? I am a little kind of that. But i am never selfish. But people realy don't care about it. Who are you or what are you?! Its just imporant your look nothing else in some job's and that. And yes that's right.
It's that food really only his or is for other animal's too?

Let's imagine one thing: You are thirty and alone. You can't stand more! You are just looking for water. Than you see a kid with a bottle of water. 100 m away it's your home. Will you take the bottle for a kid? Or go forward to your home? 

I know many of people's will go to them home. But few will take the bottle  right?

Next thing what can take your freedom and brave are Hater's! But why you think why hater's can take that form us? Because they are right or wrong? Because they are in worry about us because we can be better as they. i am sure the hater from us has got own hater's right? 

Let's imagine one thing more :  You are in the school. Sudeenly someone throw something in your head. You see that that are your hater and he said it was a mistke. What will you do? Say him it's okey and leave that thing. Or next time revenge?
I know few peoples who are brave and smart will leave that think and think in them mind's i will revenge that.  

Always fell free to do anything what is possible on imppsosible because anythng is possible if you really want that!

petek, 18. maj 2012

Never or Never ever -something philosophypart 1

"Never ever i will become that"
Hello! I am  sure that all of you know this word's " Never" Or "Never ever" right? So why we peoples think or we are sure that we will never become what we want in our life? Yes many thing's are realy impossible the get or to become. But everything is possible to do if you realy want that thing or to get the wish come true.
Many peoples are saying " Gosh! I am so tired of everythng. I will not get this, or pass this. I have done. Afterall I won't never become this" I 'm saying that so sometimes. But if you realy want to get your wish you have to trying and trying and trying harder. I have a friend who is needed to have family at her side every minute. 

And she always said " I have enough! I don't want go! I need my family! They suport me! You don't understand how much i need them, for this 2 days" She is my best friend. I copy her word's here. She said that when we were going with class on trip for 2 days on Bled. I know I am sometimes a philosopher but I just like to help peoples. So we were going on visit on a golf place. And my classmates and other's was playing or learning to play golf. Me and she were sitting on the ground.She comes at me and says "I have headache. It's so boring here. I realy can't wait when i came home" Then we start to talk about everythng about our life, school,,, realy anythng.  Then i said here a example. "Imagine: you , your dad, your sister and your mother are climbing on the mountain. You are the first, then is your sister, mother and dad. All of you are on the same cord. And you start to climb. You, your sister, mother and dad are just folowing you. You have all responsibility for all. Because you are the leader. Than suddenly the part of the cord where is your dad its cut a little, than your mom's, sister's but just your's curd it's okey. And you have to get them on the top of mountian BUT! with positive think. And every POSITIVE THINK will make you 1 stap FORWARD and you only you will have the all power and all wish to make that you and your family won't fall on the ground and you and they wil come to the top (it's like the life). BUT with every NEGATIVE THINK will you make that all of you fall down on the ground. When you will bi tired and you want to give up. You can't because just you have the power to get all of the top. And I am sure you will make 100 of positive thnk's to make that heppend"So if we take this like life example it's like : DON'T THNK NEGATIVE YOU HAVE REASONS TO THINK EVERYTIME IN ANYPLACE IN EVERY SITUACION POSITIVE! But i am not saying that if you wana to be a singer and you have awful voice you will become a singer! That thing than it's not posible. But if you want to be somethng what you study all the life, somethng what you can than why don't you try that.Because it's only  1 chance to make this become true. And if you miss that chance will not come back. Life is short to be just negative and let other control you life. Right? And only you can make it heppend not other's!