petek, 5. oktober 2012

Why is something to me important so much?

" I don't need you"
Hello there! Now i really don't know what to write about. But I love to share my important things to others. You know when I am sad what I do? Sometimes is really hard to stand up and go forward right? But end's your life it's not the way! But remember always you have someone who will help you that you stand up! Don't think you are alone. I was thinking that too till now. I was share my sadness in music, my agrees in wall. But it's wasn't to late. We all know that it's not late for fight.  People's says that they don't need nobody to help them, but i am sure they want help!

" I drink that and than im going home"
Someone who is in stress will going to drink some alcohol right? But that it's a bad thing to do! You can't imagine what are you doing when you drunk. I was just once. And i tell everything to something. Yes it's was funny but another person can after all kill someone in agrees. If you are in stress and  just go on a long walk alone, call a friend, do something to change you thinks.

But to me it's not important alcohol but just time and music. Then everything is going fine.
" Be happy and smile" " Say cheese"

petek, 22. junij 2012


 So in this blog i will write every week about what was heppening.
But i have to pass math before than are starting the real holidays :D.
Nonstop free, next month going to sea,meet some new people, summer work, fun fun and FUN!
22.June 2012:
28. June:
Math Exam
Than all time free and
19. July going to sea ( Biograd na moru- Croatia)

torek, 12. junij 2012

Why the rap it's not a crap?

Peoples says: many of rapers are stupid. They use drugs, smoke, drink. Everything"
Heloo guys! How are you? Soo can you tell me one thing? What you think about the rap? So many of you will say what i write it in the start right? But listen many of that raper's help rap to start a new better life. For example i will take Marshall Bruce Mathers III or as we know him the god of rap that's Eminem. In one of my blog i was write about him. ( Go and check ) I knew that many peoples don't like him. They imagine that he is don't know what . He use drugs, he is an alcoholic but he isn't he was try to make his life better for his kids.

But he don't care about that what does peoples think about him. He just live his own life. We all know that he was have a hard childhood, and life. But the rap help him out of that.
They said: The rap is cr*p give that sh*t out of here.

Someone said me: We rapers are heartless so get strong.
But he has got right. Everyone have to get strong at some things in whatever situation he is.

I am sure all of you will know this rappers here on this link :
Here is a link too who want to write a rap song . Why don't chu try it?

Some advice for my side: 
  1. Sitt down
  2. Think about what you will to write
  3. What inspires you?
  4. Tell your true feelings
  5. Chose the name of the song
  6. Ryhme some words together.           
  7. Try to make the rhymes/lyrics better.
  8. Take your time to write it ( with some time letter maybe will you get better ideas)
  9. Don't worry every first song will be good 
A Eminem song

 "I'm fascinated by rap and by hip-hop. I think there's a lot of poetry in it. There's a lot of anger, a lot of social energy in it. And I think you'd better listen to it pretty carefully, 'cause it's important." - John F. Kerry

So guys its SUMMER! A new chances are starting, new adventures.
SO let's see what will the summer bring close your eyes forget your ex take some ice and relax. Right?


torek, 5. junij 2012

Life fears

Hey guys! So who want to jump from a plain? Ahm anyone who wants to have a snake in his room even he is afraid off? No? Why? I guess some peoples will say " No way are you crazy" But why are we scared of?
I know who will be afraid of snakes. Will imagine a snake in his near so:

  And who is not afraid will imagine a green snake so :

But why we have fears in ours life? Life gives us challenges which we have to face it. Sometimes it's right that we fail somewhere on some step. Sometimes it's great so pass a challenge somewhere right?
But if we fail we have to stand up. And try to make it better. So  this year in September will be one new school year, new exam's, new challenges, new decides and again new stress. If i can be honest i will tell you that this year it really wasn't my year. At so many subjects i was have problems. But ok. I will make it alright. So that its a life's challenge right? Like holding  a green dangerous snake. You never know what it will be happening. ( she will bite you or not) I will pass the exam or not. Its just yours power to make it good. So if you wont hold the snake one time you will never know what its will be happening and you will ask yourself all the life how its will be.

Every morning it's a start of wonderful day : 

So every morning its a start. You have to wake up. And make it heppend. Even in the morning you will get chances to be better as yesterday. 
" The sun is shing softly and you will get up so carefully. Even you don't smile the sun will make you suddenly cry. You remember something urgently. Your mood will go off so fastly no more smile no more jokes oh please it's Sunday owwhh"
Yea i found that on internet. It at you heppend that once a time?  You wake up and you forgot to make a presentation about something suddenly your mood start to get so bad? 
Yea that it's not good. You start to become scared what its will heppend if you stand before the table and you don't have a idea what you will talk about. But its a awesome idea : SKIP THAT SUBJECT!. 
No it's not a good idea. You will be fail that. So just easy go to the professor and tell him you don't have it. 

četrtek, 24. maj 2012

Something philosophically part 2 - Freedom etc.

"Freedom is everything what a person want's"
Heelo!  I hope you remeber my last blog. So i was think why should i don't write about that to? So i was watcing in the TV news. I remember 3 thopic that are : A guy kidnapped a girl, car theft and fight betwen young boy's.                                                                
Everyone want freedom!

So you see the word's " Kidnapped,thief and young boy's"
highlighted. I highlighted them because this all word's discrabe the freedom. Let me explain. If someone kidnaps a girl or a boy the toke them freedom. Thief stole something a  expensive thing or the money. So than him the police took his freedom. Because he have to go to jail. Or many other thing. The fight. All fights are not a small thing a person can be seriously damaged or afterall the person can be killed by them..

Some people's realy don't care about the freedom and all this thnig's because they have everything they want. Why? Because of that : 

If you remeber my last blog : " What about rap and me?" I was said that i want to become a rap song writer. But not because of money, popularity. Just because of that i wana be sure if im realy good in that. And Its a little of freedom here. 
I know the life is hard. And you have to work hard for money that you can pay all bill's right? I know i am maybe a complaceted person but so what? I am a little kind of that. But i am never selfish. But people realy don't care about it. Who are you or what are you?! Its just imporant your look nothing else in some job's and that. And yes that's right.
It's that food really only his or is for other animal's too?

Let's imagine one thing: You are thirty and alone. You can't stand more! You are just looking for water. Than you see a kid with a bottle of water. 100 m away it's your home. Will you take the bottle for a kid? Or go forward to your home? 

I know many of people's will go to them home. But few will take the bottle  right?

Next thing what can take your freedom and brave are Hater's! But why you think why hater's can take that form us? Because they are right or wrong? Because they are in worry about us because we can be better as they. i am sure the hater from us has got own hater's right? 

Let's imagine one thing more :  You are in the school. Sudeenly someone throw something in your head. You see that that are your hater and he said it was a mistke. What will you do? Say him it's okey and leave that thing. Or next time revenge?
I know few peoples who are brave and smart will leave that think and think in them mind's i will revenge that.  

Always fell free to do anything what is possible on imppsosible because anythng is possible if you really want that!

petek, 18. maj 2012

Never or Never ever -something philosophypart 1

"Never ever i will become that"
Hello! I am  sure that all of you know this word's " Never" Or "Never ever" right? So why we peoples think or we are sure that we will never become what we want in our life? Yes many thing's are realy impossible the get or to become. But everything is possible to do if you realy want that thing or to get the wish come true.
Many peoples are saying " Gosh! I am so tired of everythng. I will not get this, or pass this. I have done. Afterall I won't never become this" I 'm saying that so sometimes. But if you realy want to get your wish you have to trying and trying and trying harder. I have a friend who is needed to have family at her side every minute. 

And she always said " I have enough! I don't want go! I need my family! They suport me! You don't understand how much i need them, for this 2 days" She is my best friend. I copy her word's here. She said that when we were going with class on trip for 2 days on Bled. I know I am sometimes a philosopher but I just like to help peoples. So we were going on visit on a golf place. And my classmates and other's was playing or learning to play golf. Me and she were sitting on the ground.She comes at me and says "I have headache. It's so boring here. I realy can't wait when i came home" Then we start to talk about everythng about our life, school,,, realy anythng.  Then i said here a example. "Imagine: you , your dad, your sister and your mother are climbing on the mountain. You are the first, then is your sister, mother and dad. All of you are on the same cord. And you start to climb. You, your sister, mother and dad are just folowing you. You have all responsibility for all. Because you are the leader. Than suddenly the part of the cord where is your dad its cut a little, than your mom's, sister's but just your's curd it's okey. And you have to get them on the top of mountian BUT! with positive think. And every POSITIVE THINK will make you 1 stap FORWARD and you only you will have the all power and all wish to make that you and your family won't fall on the ground and you and they wil come to the top (it's like the life). BUT with every NEGATIVE THINK will you make that all of you fall down on the ground. When you will bi tired and you want to give up. You can't because just you have the power to get all of the top. And I am sure you will make 100 of positive thnk's to make that heppend"So if we take this like life example it's like : DON'T THNK NEGATIVE YOU HAVE REASONS TO THINK EVERYTIME IN ANYPLACE IN EVERY SITUACION POSITIVE! But i am not saying that if you wana to be a singer and you have awful voice you will become a singer! That thing than it's not posible. But if you want to be somethng what you study all the life, somethng what you can than why don't you try that.Because it's only  1 chance to make this become true. And if you miss that chance will not come back. Life is short to be just negative and let other control you life. Right? And only you can make it heppend not other's!

četrtek, 19. april 2012

But what about me and rap?

Heloo there! I am so good!! What about you guys? In this blog i will write about my rap's about my wishe's what i wana be. I know is impossible to become popular here. And in Slovenia is very hard because off some peoples which can they will be realy bad but okey. So i didn't have a idea what to write here and so i decide to write about that what i told you before. In my last blog i was write about my idol Eminem and his life so in this i wll write about my rap's which i know they are crap but many say they are not!
My first site of my rap map.(i know i dont have good handwrite)

I am realy crazy about rap! I write so many song's for my friend's here. And i realy wanna to become a songwriter.  My life here is hard so i have a thnik in which  i can share my sadnes, etc. But i can hold on. My themes in songs are about the life or my life, about the word about anythng i just thnk now. Anyway i am glad that read some peoples my blog.

My  rap which i write it in school i have to finished it
I realy wana that this wish become true and i am work on that. In one of my rap i love the sentence ' Ignore me keep it up. Just dont  beg me for some shit after fifty years cuz i will be death like this papper after that...! I know its a crap sentence but you know why  i love it? Because In ths words i desribe some person here Who have to be carefull for her childrens but the person here is not. I also  like this sentence ' Life sucks i wanna drugs going in the shop kill some peoples for some smoke get the money buy some joint going back tell some words sitting in the class write a exam but ehh i get the F' I dont know why i like it. I just feel those words are true in a reality many peoples kill some peoples for some smoke. But that is realy stupid becaz they makes life for they more harder.

This is me xD 
My first song Its about family i wite is 7th November 2008 at 12.30am. Yah it was early in the morning But i  couldn't sleep This day. Because so many things heppend. The name of the rap song is My life. I was enjoy when i write this song the first time. In my mind its still some sentence like: Tell me bitch what's wrong ha? Do u taked and shake it? the fuck tell me you know your father and mother too! bout what about me bitch now tell everyone the damn truth! i hate you i realy hate i swear i'm gonna kill you.Shame on you damn thats true...'I know this sentence doesn't have a ryhim like the other one too. But i  just take some words from there that i can describe about my life and wishes. I mean what peoples become when they talk about you lies to other. I mean OMG?!

Rap 2.

I was depressed when i write some song's so don't take it wrong. I will tell some sentence's. Like this one:Sitting alone in a room full of busterds my mind is like killes just wana take a gun take it on my head and shut it noonne cares, my life its just  crap so dont say i am crazy. So just take it and shake it.' This lines are a crap to i knw. i just chose some bad lines!

But i don't write it anymore. Don't have time to write this crap because i realy knw they are bad. Haha
so this is the seconde line : In the school sitting in the room with ma besite dream abou you and write a song about the shit. My mind is like a killer, my eyes are black i lose myself in the death.The lesson end's just waiting for my end.My heart is shaking my hand its rocking dude i knw ima broki'n
The song about someone
It's just for time pass but i realy wanna be good in this thng so i have a friend who realy helps me in that. But he is awsome realy. Even he is many miles away but i realy love him hehe.
My next line which i like it was in seconde song: I thnk ima mistake on that fucking world noonnes here to listen my words!fuck this shit yo im gona back in the black holl.
I realy have a map full of raps, songs..etc.. but to much for my phn i cant take the photos in my phn so i hope its will be enough to read my word.
Thank to everyone who will read my blog. This is a little for my side. So ima gona work on that and hope the best. So bye for now<3!

torek, 6. marec 2012

Eminem ^^

Heloo! I am new here and i visit Blogger once or twince a year. But now i have decide that i will finnaly write somethning about my idol's and many other things. So i will start from here. When i was 11 years old i go to my friend's hause and she show me a rapper and she said:" Here is the rapper i have told you some time before i don't like that man and i don't like that song." I was realy in shock that she say m that so i go home to listen some song's from the rapper Eminem. I was like OMG! The song was AWSOME it was  the song Beatifule i was acctident to that song a long long time and still I am. So i was decide to find something about him, his life, his song's, everythng about him.I wasn't believe that he has over millions fans ALL OVER THE WORLD form USA to Europe and from Europe to Australia. In every single country.
Eminem's concert and his fan's

So now let's gona start telling everything about him Marshall Bruce Mathers III! Or Slim Shady ans as we know him today EMINEM -THE KING OF RAP and HIP HOP. First will i tell about his career and than his peronal life.
Marshall Bruce Mathers lll was bored on 17th octorber 1972 in Saint Joseph, Us. His mather Deborah Mathers-Briggs and his father Marshall Bruce Mathers. His dad was leave Eminem and his mother when was he 18 months old. Marshall or Eminem  is of Scottish, EnglishGermanSwissPolish, and Luxembourgian ancestry. In his childhood were his mother and he moved a lot. In  the towns like  Savannah, and Kansas City and before they settled in Warren and  Michigan. Long years after that were they found a place in Detroit.

Marshall Mathers III.

When Eminem was 11 years old his uncle Runnie  introduced him to hip hop. And  he start to rap when he was 14 years old in a lot of talent show's and etc.. He was rocking the rap. But After repeating the ninth grade twice due to truancy and near-failng grades, was he dropped out of high school when he was 17 years old. But in the year 1991 he get a one more hard shock in his young life. The person which   introduced him to hip hop was did  suicide. So Eminem was going to do a tatto on his uper left arm. It's write's R.I.P Runnie. Runnie was mentioned in the song's : Stan, Cleaning out my closet and My dad's gone crazy. 
After  5 years Eminem was make his first cd its called Infinite. But that cd wasn't a hit so he made after 3 years   a new cd which its called The Slim Shady.  The album was heard Dr. Dree and he intivite Eminem in Califfornia to recorde an album together. So then its was made the album Slim Shady LP. Which was sold in 9 million specimens from around the world. From than Eminem was become famous and become a friend from Dr. Dree and Proof. Proof was the raper and he help's him in a lot of problem's which he was had. They were best friend's Eminem say's that he remeber every moment with him and he make after his dead a tatto name Proof. Proof was shot in a club in Usa. That was a big tragedy in his whole life.
On the left side is Proof

The next his albums are: * The Marshall's Mathers LP in the year 2000
                                     * The Eminem show in the year 2002
                                     * Encore in the year 2004
                                     * Relapse in the year 2009
                                     * Recovery in the year 2010

His all song's in the album Infinite : - Infinite                                                                          
                                                    - W.E.G.O ( feat Proof and dj head)            
                                                    - It's OK                                                    
                                                    - 313                                                               
                                                    - Searchin                                                        
                                                    - Jealousy Woes II   
                                                    Backstabber( ft. Proof.)
                                                    - Tonite 
                                                     - Never 2 far
                                                     - Open Mic
                                                     - Maxine
His all song's in the album Recovery :  - Cold wind blows      
                        - On fire                       - Won't back down
                          - W.T.P.                     - Going through changes 
                          - Not afraid                  - Seduction
                         - No love                       - Space bounf
                         - Cinderella man             - 25 to life
                    - So bad                              - Almost famous
                   - Love the way you lie             - You're never over
                    - Talkin' 2 myself

His first CD-Intifinite
His album from 2010 Recovery

And sure his movie 8 mile. The movie is about his hard life and how he get famous. The movie is amazing i love it.

So that was a little of his career i think that some peoples know about him a lot of thing's. But just about his rap's,concert's. I have ask myself do peoples know about his personal life,his family, his problem's with drugs which he was had do they know that?          
So let's start about his life when he was younger a kid and than a teen. Marshall was live with his mother a lot of years and when he was 5,6,7,8 etc.. years old his mather was give him some pil's,alcohol and drug's sure yes he was addicted from some drug's many years. So he start to hate his own mom. He wasn't popular in any school. When he was 9 years old they beat him so strong that they make him a strong  concussion and other sad and paining thing's his wish was to be a popular kid and everyone will love's him. But after years he wanna to complete his wish. And many years later in high school he meet  Kimberley Anne Scott. They feel in love and she run away from her home with her sister Dawn as teenanger  and move in in with Eminem and his mother. Eminem was married Kim on June 14, 1999 and year after that they shortly divorced. Eminen has got 3 kid's which are : Hailie Jade Mathers ( birthdate:25th december 1995),Aliana Mathers ( he adopted her from Kim's sister) and Whitney. 

Eminem with his daughter Hailie
Eminem's kid's
How sweet. But the smile don't hide his pain 

During the years was he had a lot of problem's with drug's and he become a heatlh problem. The doctor said him that if he don't stop to take drug's or  pill's he will become a hear attact and die. So he was take all power's just for stay live for his kid's. Everyone said that he is a good dad or trying to be a great father for his kid's. Not so like his dad when he leave him alone with his mom and make his live more painful and more harder. 
So Eminem you are my idol from my 11 years. And what you face in your life i have too horrible life but not so like his. Love ya!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST RAPPER FOR ME,MY IDOL AND I AM PRUD THAT YOU ARE MY IDOL!! 

The only photo from him and his dad

Eminem and his mother
His grandmother

Eminem's halfbrother Nathan


And just that one.......


That are TRUE LINE'S!
Okey goodbye ^^ Eminem fan's